As soon as you select Continue, press the Home Menu button on the Wii Remote and choose Reset. Then, at the Game Over screen, select Continue.

How To: Simply kill yourself by any means necessary to get the Game Over screen.Prerequisites: Must have some way to take damage (cliff, enemy, Bombs, etc.).Effect: Play on the title screen, which leads to many other sub-glitches.Random Glitches that don't belong in any other categories. Then re-spawning will also make Scrapper appear next to you. and reappear in another portion of Eldin) and save at a Statue. Notes: Essentially you must get Scrapper stuck somewhere to wait for you (Enter a cave, the Sky, etc.This can skip a large portion of the mission by going as far as possible. At whatever Bird Statue you saved at, you will reappear and Scrapper will be right next to you. Now trigger a Game Over by dying and select Continue. After that, return to Eldin Volcano at a different Bird Statue. How To: After starting the mission, use the Bird Statue to enter the sky and lose Scrapper.Prerequisites: Access to the Water Basin Transport quest.Effect: Skip a large portion of transporting the Water Basin across Eldin Volcano.Stay to the edge trying to avoid slipping and head towards the entrance to Floria Waterfall.

Slowly walk towards the edge and then sprint and immediately Jump Attack. Jump towards the branch and if done correctly you will land on it without slipping. Slowly move left and look at the branch in front of you which has a rope hanging off. When you find the Kikwi you must sprint up the right wall and stay on the ledge you land on.